The following information is from Nazwes via ICQ:”A two week old backup of the core BBS software is intact, to get the system back up, hardware, a place to plug it in, and a few days of work are needed.”

This news was originally taken from the Boo! inc. web site, posted by Space Ghost.

The ICQ received from Nazwes Chaiwind:
Mission: Night Hawk BBS will be down until further notice due to a fire that destroyed the BBS computer, the rest of the network it was on, but worst of all, it destroyed my friend’s home. I am going to do what I can to get the BBS back online as soon as possible, but I am not sure how long that will take.

Herman Hanschke
Mission: Night Hawk BBS

Good luck to you on getting the BBS back up and also to your friend for losing his home.

Mission: Night Hawk BBS is to host “Trade Wars Survivor: The Canadian Wasteland” tournament beginning April 1, 2001.